
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Happy Hour


After a long week, Friday nights typically find me going out with "the girls" for happy hour. It is a nice time to get together over cocktails and catch up.

But, every now and again, I find myself craving a Friday night at home with the two, o.k...maybe three, loves of my life. Scott, Chase, and wine. So, this particular Friday evening we took Chase, frisbee in tow, down to the field for a quick run. As you can see from the photo, Chase is enjoying happy hour with his favorite pour...

Instead of the traditional happy hour munchies that I might have at various spots around Phoenix, Scott and I wanted to relax by enjoying some wine, and cooking a nice meal together. This recipe, adapted from Cooking Light, is something I had been wanting to try for awhile. Finding the dried morel mushrooms proved tougher than I anticipated. Thus, after finding them for $12.99 per half ounce at AJ's, I thought I would use half shitake and half morels. We also substituted green beans for the asparagus, because, let's face it, asparagus is also not easy to find in mid August. Served over hot pasta, this dish was definately a treat. The only thing I would change next time (and there will be a next time,) would be to up the "sauce." Perhaps a little more of the sherry and chicken broth, in addition to a little extra whipping cream. Believe me, you'll want to lick your plate!

Chicken Scallopini with Morels and Spring Vegetables
adapted from Cooking Light

1 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup dry sherry
1 ounce dried morels (I used 1/2 ounce morels and 1/2 ounce shitake mushrooms)
4 (4 oz) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
1 tsp. kosher salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2 Tbsp flour
1 Tbsp. porcini powder (or substitute more flour) (I just ground dried porcinis in the coffee grinder)
1 Tbsp butter
1 cup (1 in.) sliced asparagus
1 cup fresh or frozen petite green peas, thawed
1/4 cup whipping cream
2 TB chopped fresh parsley
2 TB chopped fresh chives
1 tsp. chopped fresh tarragon

Bring chicken broth and sherry to a boil in a small saucepan; add dried morels. Remove from heat; cover and let stand for 30 minutes. Drain mushrooms, reserving soaking liquid. Rinse mushrooms and drain.

Place each chicken breast between 2 sheets of heavy duty plastic wrap; pount to 1/4 inch thickness using a meat mallet or rolling pin. Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper and dredge in the flour/porcini powder mixture. Melt butter in large nonstick skillet over med-high heat. Add chicken; cook 1 minute on each side or until golden. Remove from pan.

Add mushroom soaking liquid and asparagus to pan; cook until liquid is reduced to 1/4 cup. Add chicken, peas, and remaining ingredients to pan; cook 5 minutes or until sauce thickens.
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Anonymous said...

Yummy! This does look yummy! I can't wait until it cools down a bit more so we can take our dogs to the dog park again - I'm too much of a wuss in this heat. There is a dog park near us that has a beach and man made lake for the dogs. They love it!

Anonymous said...

It's too early on a Monday - you ignore my idiotic double "yummy's" ;)

Kirsten said...

that looks delicious! Yum!!

What a cute picture of Chase too :)