
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Heading to the Dog Beach!


After the past few weeks of scorching temperatures, we have had enough! So, dog and cooler in tow, we are heading to San Diego for weekend. Chase will be in for a treat, as he is a typical Golden Retriever, and loves to be in the water. We plan to take him to San Diego's Dog Beach for some fun and frolicking in the ocean. At home, he has to settle for the little kiddy pool we bought at the grocery store.

Other than spoil the dog, we are looking foward to browsing the Farmer's Markets in the area and relaxing on the beach.

Chase isn't the only one that is already in vacation mode. I finished work a bit early and decided that a dry rose would be a nice way to kick off the weekend. This is one that I picked up at Whole Foods last summer. At about $10, it was one of the best dry roses I've had in awhile. Hailing from Argentina, this organic rose of malbec, had just the right amount of fruit and acidity to be refreshing. It is not sweet, but not as dry as a rhone style rose. It made the perfect late afternoon apertif and makes packing much more fun!
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Anonymous said...

Oh you will have so much fun! There is a really cool dog washing store on Coronado that you can go to after Chase gets good and dirty at the beach. There are also some restaurants in La Jolla that allow you to sit on the patio with your dog - with their own doggie menu! Enjoy! :)

Anonymous said...

Your dog has the right idea. Refreshing!
Have a great trip. I love San Diego!

Kirsten said...

Chase is SO cute. This wine looks so refreshing!