
Friday, August 31, 2007

Best Dog

Paws and Pours; a wedding story.
A little post about how wine and dogs or rather, Paws and Pours, is not just the name of my blog, it was pretty much the theme of our recent wedding.

It all started with our first date, over a glass of wine at Tapino. A few dates at the dog park followed. Then, the proposal, which was done over a personalized bottle of wine. Personalized with a picture of Chase on the label (a red wine to go with the red golden retriever). You see, Scott's a very clever man. He knew the way to my heart was through #1) wine and, #2) getting the dog on his side.

Planning a wedding ensued. Once we decided on an outdoor wedding, I knew that Chase had to be a part of it. He would be the "Best Dog." Looking quite handsome in his bow tie collar, he even spoke up a few times during the ceremony.

Being that there is always a breeze on the side of the mountain where we had the ceremony, we opted for unity sand rather than the traditional unity candle. We poured the sand out of two mini wine decanters into one wine glass. To continue our vino theme a bit further, the guest received take home wine bottle stoppers that had a stainless steel heart on top. Chase retired early and did not stay for the drinking and dancing that followed.


Kirsten said...

Oh how sweet!!! I can't hear enough about the wedding and your darling dog. :)

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I'm so glad you posted a picture of the wine bottle and the wedding pictures. Chase looks so handsome with his bow tie. I'm looking forward to Saturday! :)